Tutoring Process

To Help You! Get To The Source Of Your Struggle

Our tutoring process is designed to help identify, from the beginning, the needs of the student then devise a method to address those needs and make them a better learner.

This process is extensive, detailed and always ongoing after enrolment. our goal is to always seek to find the best possible solution that best helps the student at the level that they are currently at. 

Our vision to teach every student the ability to learn how to learn and become a better student is the driving force behind our process.

The ZiTutors process is divided up into three stages:

  • Stage 1 is Registration.
  • Stage 2 is the Tutoring Plan.
  • Stage 3 is Reporting.

The registration stage is where we learn about your needs as a parent and help you investigate the source of your child’s struggles. this is the most important stage of the tutoring process. this stage helps to inform the approach to helping your child succeed.

This stage is made up of 6-parts

  1. 20-minutes Discovery call.
  2. Sign-up and enrolment.
  3. Payment of R350 enrolment fee.
  4. Child evaluation.
  5. Feedback and lesson decision
  6. finally, payment for, and scheduling of lessons.
1. 20-Minute Discovery Call
During this interaction we will discuss:
  • What are your main concerns regarding your child's results?
  • What’s preventing your child from achieving their desired marks?
  • Why do you feel private tutoring would help your daughter/son?
  • When this is all in place:
    • What do you hope your child will gain from private tutoring?
    • What are your desired objectives/outcomes?
2 Sign-up and Enrolment.
You complete this form via our website. Once we receive your form, we process it and send you an invoice for payment.
We will also send you instructions on how to access your portal.
3. R350 Enrolment fee Payment
The R350 payment is once-off per year, see our terms & conditions for more details.
4. Child Evaluation
Then we examine your child's"
  • Test their basic knowledge level for the subject to be tutored - via quizzes.
  • Evaluate their study techniques - via a questionnaire.
  • Planning & Organization - via a 30-Mins online interview.
  • Discuss how they cope with Exam stress and anxiety - via a 30-Mins online interview.
  • Discuss their current goals and future aspirations - via a 30-Mins online interview.
    5. Evaluation Feedback & Lesson Decision
    After completion of the student's evaluation then feedback will be provided to the parent via email and WhatsApp.
    The feedback will cover the following points:
    • Where is your child's academic level at?
    • What work is required of them to improve the current level to their desired level?
    • How we plan to address your child's academic struggles?
    • Number of lessons that we recommend you book for them per week.
      6. Payment and Lesson Scheduling.
      Once you have chosen the number of lessons for your child per week. then, we send you a second invoice for payment of said lessons.
      After which, we proceed to scheduling the lessons.
      The Tutoring Plan

      This stage  of the tutoring process is where we as ZiTutors, the Parents and the Learner develop an action plan that will keep the learner motivated to work and also hold them accountable in times when they do not work.

      All the analysis done in the evaluation stage is now used to create a customized plan that helps the learner’s individual needs and struggles.

      This stage of the tutoring process is made up of 4-parts:

      1. Developing a structure for the learner.
      2. Teaching the learner how to build confidence in times of failure and victory.
      3. Teaching the student how to cope with school pressure, exam anxiety and stress.
      4. Teaching the student how to balance school work and play time to maintain maximum focus and mental sharpness.
      Part 1 - Developing Structure
      Part 2 -Building Confidence In Failure
      Part 3 - Coping With Pressure
      Part 4 - Balancing Your Focus

      Reporting is how we keep you ( the parent) updated on the student’s progress towards achieving their learning goals.

      all reports will come via our scheduling and reporting portal and they will be reported as follows:

      • After the first 4-lessons of working with the student, a report will be sent to the parent.
      • The report will further detail weaknesses and strengths, solutions to said weaknesses and more.
      • Then reports will be sent after every lesson to record progress towards the students learning goals.

      Finally, at the end of every term we (parents, student and ZiTutors) will have a 1-hour online (live) review session where we will look at the following: 

      • Review the failures of the term and celebrate the victories.
      • Check and adjust the goals of the student to keep them focused and on track with their year learning goals.

      "God lets everything happen for a reason. It's all a learning process, and you have to go from one level to another." Mike Tyson

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